Billy Budd Directions: Choose the best answer for each question. Chapter one. 1. The author saw a common sailor so intensely black that he must needs have been a native African of the unadulterate blood of ________. A. Noah B. Shem C. Ham D. Japheth 2. How old was Billy Budd? A. 19 B. 21 C. 25 D. 30 3. What ship was put forth short of her proper compliment of men? A. U.S.S. United States B. H.M.S. Lusitania C. H.M.S Bellipotent D. U.S.S. Typee 4. On which ship was Billy Budd? A. U.S.S. United States B. H.M.S. Lusitania C. H.M.S Bellipotent D. U.S.S. Typee 5. Captain Graveling is explaining to the lieutenant that, previous to Billy Budd's appearance, the Captain's forecastle was: A. An Irish shindy B. Black times C. A rat pit of quarrels D. Hell on earth 6. Captain Graveling tells the Lt., "You are going to take away..." A. The diamond of my crew B. My best carpenter C. My peacemaker D. The biggest hypocrite I ever heard of 7. According to Billy Budd, who wrote Rights of Man? A. Thomas Paine B. Stephen Girard C. Voltaire D. Captain Graveling 8. 'The impressed portion of the ship's company" indicates A. That there were still some who did not take to Billy Budd. B. Many had never been on a ship of such grandeur. C. Billy Budd was the quintessential foretopman. D. Some sailors were not officially employed but rather, legally shanghaied. Chapter two 9. Who was Billy Budd's father? A. A good man in Bristol B. God knows C. Captain Haverling D. Captain Stubing Chapter three 10. What is the season and the year as chapter 3 opens? A. Winter 1818 B. Summer 1797 C. April 1818 D. Spring 1797 11. Where was 'The Great Mutiny'? A. Nore B. Spithead C. England D. The Bellipotent Chapter four 12. What does the star inserted into the Victory's quarter-deck designate? A. Victory at Trafalgar B. Where the Great Sailor fell C. Nelson's ornate publication D. The challenge to the death represented by Trafalgar. Chapter five 13. What foreran the 2 mutinies? A. Discontent B. Anxiety C. Anticipation D. Abrogation 14. What is a synonym for sporadic? A. Conventional B. Expected C. Erratic D. Regular 15. What is a synonym for Allegiance? A. Loyalty B. Treachery C. Infidelity D. Fickleness 16. What is a synonym for Abrogate? A. Enforce B. Encourage C. Ratify D. Repeal 17. What is a synonym for incumbent? A. Predecessor B. Historical C. Tightly-wrapped D. Current Chapter six 18. What was Vere's novel prefix? A. Ed B. Starry C. Captain D. Fairfax Chapter seven 19. Captain Vere had a marked leaning toward A. Books B. Isolated leisure C. A newly replenished library D. Everything intellectual Chapter eight 20. What was John Claggart's position on the Bellipotent? A. Captain B. Lieutenant C. Foretopman D. Master-at-Arms Chapter nine 21. The old Dansker has spent time on what famous ship? A. The Trafalgar B. The Rights-of-Man C. The Agamemnon D. The Pequod 22. By what name did Billy eventually become know aboard ship? A. Baby Budd B. Booby Budd C. Bully Budd D. Boney Budd 23. What was the essence of Billy Budd's problem? A. Jemmy Legs liked him B. Mr. Claggart didn't like him C. The Dansker wouldn't tell Billy who Jemmy Legs was D. Billy though everyone liked him 24. What was the Dansker's leading characteristic? A. Cynicism B. Wrinkles C. A long scar D. Shrewdness Chapter ten 25. What's another name for "Board-her-in-the-smoke"? A. Jemmy Legs B. Dansker C. Donald D. Master-at-Arms Chapter eleven 26. What is it that is no flatterer of mankind though it never speaks ill of it? A. Civilization B. Platonic Depravity C. Calvinistic Depravity D. Sordid or sensual depravity Chapter twelve 27. What originally moved Claggart against Billy? A. Billy's overwhelming intellect B. Billy's lack of intellect C. Claggart's significant personal beauty D. Billy's significant personal beauty 28. What was the moral phenomenon presented in Billy Budd? A. Apprehensive jealousy B. He had never willed Malice C. A disdain of innocence D. A despairing of a free and easy temper Chapter thirteen 29. What, in the case of Platonic depravity, is apt to be in monstrous proportion to the supposed offence? A. Exactions B. Actions C. Retributions D. Retaliations 30. Who was the tattle-tale on the Bellipotent? A. The foretopman B. Guy Fawkes C. Squeak the rat D. Squeak the corporal Chapter fourteen 31. Why did Billy start to stutter? A. His vocal infirmity somewhat intruded. B. His resentful eagerness to deliver himself. C. He thoroughly shook off his drowse. D. "I found an afterguardsmen in our part of the ship." Chapter 15 32. To whom did Billy disburden himself? A. A loyal bluejacket B. A group of smokers C. The old Dansker D. Jemmy legs Chapter sixteen 33. Billy was ready to ascribe the problem almost to anybody except Claggart because A. Claggart was the Master-at-Arms B. Claggart always had a pleasant word for him C. Billy was much of a child-man D. Billy's intelligence had increased but his simplemindedness remained. Chapter 18 34. For what position had Captain Vere considered Billy? A. Captain B. Master-at-arms C. Executive Officer D. Captain of the mizzentop 35. Whom did Captain Vere send to fetch Billy Budd? A. A topman B. Albert C. Mr. Wilkes D. a few gun-room officers Random Quotation: Let not warm harts betray heads that should be cool. -Capt. Vere Chapter 20 36. What did the other officers believe the proper action should be following the homicide? A. Hide the body and pretend it never happened B. Convene a trial immediately C. Shoot Billy Buddy for mutiny D. Refer the case to the Admiral Chapter 21 37. This unhappy event occurred at a time when the naval authorities required two qualities. What were they? A. Jugglery and cruciality B. Prudence and rigor C. Interfusability and prudence D. Suppression and rigor 38. How many people, besides the captain were presiding at the drumhead court? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 39. When asked about mutinous intents on the Bellipotent Billy s answer was A. Yes B. No 40. The buttons that the officers wear attest to their allegiance to: A. King B. Nature C. Instinct D. Captain Vere 41. Why was Billy s sentence delayed until the early morning watch? A. Because of his speech impediment. B. It was not on the field, but in the fleet. C. it was customary to delay a mortal punishment. D. It was night. Chapter 23 42. What suppressed the crew s waxing murmur? A. Claggart s funeral. B. The boatswain and his mates. C. the coming about of the Bellipotent. D. the Boatswains whistles. 43. Certain measures were taken to absolutely insure what point? A. That no unusual precautions would be visible. B. That no one but the chaplain would speak to Billy. C. That the officers apprehended all things amiss. D. That any mutinous act would be suppressed with extreme prejudice. Chapter 24 44. What stands nearer Unadulterate Nature ? A. Billy Budd B. The minister of Christ receiving his stipend from mars. C. highly civilized communities. D. So-called barbarous communities. 45. What is a better thing than religion wherewith to go to judgment? A. Discretion B. Innocence C. The good sense of a good heart D. A Chaplains vocation Chapter 25 46. What time is signified by 8 bells? A. 8 A.M. B. 4 A.M. C. 1600 hours D. 800 hours Chapter 26 47. What is the subject of conversation in Chapter 26? A. Billy s death throes. B. Billy s will power C. Billy s absence of spasmodic movement D. The fat purser s ignorance and superstition. Chapter 27 48. What served as Billy s coffin? A. A coffin. B. His clothing C. Billy s sea-chest D. Billy s hammock Chapter 28 49. In what port did Captain Vere die? A. Gibraltar B. The Nile C. Trafalgar D. Athee Chapter 29 50. According to Dr. Johnson, patriotism is the last refuge of a A. Patriot B. Sailor C. Politician D. Scoundrel Chapter 30 51. What item from the Bellipotent became venerated as a monument? A. Billy's hammock B. The cross from the Bellipotent. C. The spar from which the foretopman was suspended. D. A dockyard yardarm. Billy Budd Questions Key 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10.B 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. D 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. D 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. D 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. A 41. D 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. B 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. D 51. C