Julius Caesar and Roman History Final Grade Group Project As an alternative way of testing understanding of Julius Caesar (both the play and the real historical figure) and Roman history, you will be given a different sort of test. In this test, you will be working in groups of 4 - 5 people, and your assignment will be to develop a front page from a newspaper in ancient Rome from either March 14, 15 or 16, 44 BC. Your front page will be full of the story of Caesar - his great popularity, his assassination, or the aftermath. The goals for this project are: 1. Show an understanding of the plot and characters of Julius Caesar. 2. Show an understanding of the historical facts surrounding Caesar's rise and fall 3. Show an understanding of Roman daily life around 44 BC. Your front page must include the following: 1. A banner headline 2. At least one picture with a caption 3. The lead story (at least 300 words) 4. Related story of side bars 5. Index 6. Title of newspaper 7. At least one advertisement Most importantly, BE CREATIVE. Would a horoscope be appropriate? What other related stories would make the front page? Who would have an editorial on the front page? How about a weather report? Put yourself in the shoes (or sandals) of a paper editor from ancient Rome, and decide what is most important for the news on the day you have selected. Also, remember what has happened already (if, for example, you choose the 16th) or what has not happened yet (on March 14, did anyone suspect Caesar would be dead the next day?) This is a group grade. You will be given individual daily grades on your progress and involvement in the group. Then your group will be graded on the final product - the front page. Does your paper fulfill the goals set out by your group and the grade scale from your teachers? This project will count as a major grade for English and social studies. Mr. Coltrane and Mrs. Summe will both supervise your ongoing work and evaluate the final product. Get involved, have fun and be creative!!!