* There's a big white space under the first paragraph of the assignment sheet. In this space I just drew a Canadian flag and shaded it in to reinforce the way their flags should look. (I did this before I photocopied it, of course.) What is Canadian? (Due in class: March 23rd) Your task is to create a collage that reflects both the media's representation of Canada/Canadians and your own. You will do this by assembling a collage (on a regular-sized sheet of bristol board) in the image of the Canadian flag. The left half of the flag will consist of representations from the media. The right half will consist of images from your own Canadian experience. For this task, I will provide you with one sheet of bristol board. Use it wisely. In addition to the visual images, each half of the flag must have at least five written quotations addressing "Canadianess." The "media side" must have quotations taken from the media -- TV, film, internet, magazines, commercials, etc. The "personal side" must have quotations from you, your friends, your relatives, etc. - No two quotations may come from the same source. - Every quotation must site its source (even if it is a person) directly below. - Each quotation must be represented by at least one image in your collage. Every collage will be presented (and explained) in front of the class. You may work independently or in groups of two. If you plan on working with someone else, choose your partner carefully! YOU are responsible for your own work. Having your partner not show up for presentation day, or having them leave your work at their house is NO EXCUSE. What is Canadian? Schedule: Monday ..........Plan out collage process in class (Find possible partner, assign tasks, think of possible resources, etc.) Sign up for Friday's presentation schedule. Tuesday .........Work on finding resources (quotations, images) for homework. Wednesday ......." " " " Thursday.........Entire class period to work on collage. (Bring your resources to class!) Friday ..........Present finished collage to the class.