Journal Writing Each student provides a spiral notebook for use as a writing journal. We write in our journals every Friday and the journals do not leave the classroom. I give the students a topic each time, but they are always free to write on a topic of their own. If there are things going on in our school such as a dance, big football game, etc., these can also serve as good ideas for writing topics. Occasionally we will do a follow-up journal assignment on a Monday if something was going on over the weekend that involved quite a few of the students. The standing assignment is one page (front). Students know that what they write in their journals is confidential; I will not share anything with the class unless I get permission from the student to do so. Possible Topics · Write about an interesting time in your childhood. · Write about a time when you were very homesick. · If you had a choice to live anywhere you could, where would it be? · Write about the pros/cons of year-round school. · What would be in your perfect world? · Favorite movies/actors · What is your favorite animal? · After first semester what would you do differently or the same? · What does your food say about you? · What is your favorite season and why? · Where would I go if I could take a trip anywhere? · What kind of movie would you star in? · What would you do if you were invisible for a day? · If you could spend a day with anyone in history, who would it be and why. · If you could live in another time period, what would it be and why. · Write about your favorite sport or activity (as a participant or spectator) · What is it like to be a freshman? · If you could invent something to help mankind, what would it be? · What would be your dream vacation? · What would you wish for if you had 3 wishes? · What is your favorite activity to do? (or 3 favorite) · What are you going to do (or did) for spring break? · If you could meet any author in history, who would it be, and what would you ask him/her? · What do you want to be in life? · What was Michael Jordan's impact on basketball? · What are your favorite foods? · Who has been/is the most influential person in your life? · What would you do if you were President? · Is the school year too long? Too short? · What does your summer usually consist of? · Why do you like (or not like) animals? · What are your talents? What are the three things you like/hate the most? · Who should be paid more, professional athletes or teachers? · Should we continue to fund the NASA space program? · Should boys and girls pay more for auto insurance, or should boys have to pay more? · Who is your idol and why? · What class do you enjoy the most and why? · Describe a time when you praised someone for doing good. How did it make him/her and you feel? · Write about a cherished childhood memory. · What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? · How would your day go if it went perfectly? · Write about the worst fight you have ever had with friend. · If you could change something (or 3 things) about yourself, what would they be? · If you were going to die and had only a month to live, what would you do? · Describe your dream house. · Describe the perfect date. · Who is your favorite person to be with? Why? · Write about a time in your life when you forgot all your worries and surroundings. · If you could meet a current celebrity/ group, who would it be? What would you ask him/her? · What would be your ideal job when you grow up? · If you could guest star on any TV show, what would it be? Why? · What do you think your life will be like in 10 years? · If you could live anywhere in the world (money not a factor), where would it be? · If you could have 2 famous people over for the day, who would it be and what would you do with them? · Who do you think is the best/worst actor/actress?