ENG 3A1 SEMI-INDEPENDENT STUDY THE LORD OF THE FLIES You have been given the novel Lord of the Flies to read. In early October you will be given about 8-10 classes to work on your study of the novel which will produce three assignments. You will be evaluated on your use of the time given in class and your written assignments. The study unit is semi-independent in that you have been assigned the novel and two of the three assignments are fairly specific. The unit will test your abilities to use your time wisely, organize information and write an essay. It is strongly advised that you do the reading outside of class and spend the classroom time in writing, discussing your progress and getting help. The Lord of the FLies is a complex novel which uses characterization and symbolism to outline the descent of a group of schoolboys into the depths of savagery and inhumanity. As you read the novel it would be wise to do some or all of the following: --outline the distinctive aspects of the characters and be aware that they are used symbolically--what does each represent? --outline the steps in the gradual disintegration of the students' civilized lifestyle and be aware of the things that made them "civilized" in the first place. --take notes of speeches and lines in the narrative that appear to relate directly to Golding's development of his theme(s). --find examples of things in the novel which are used symbolically and how these symbols relate to the theme(s). For instance, in the title, "lord of the flies" is a loose translation of the word "Beelzebub" which is another name for Satan or the Devil. ASSIGNMENTS The first assignment can be completed after reading and researching the first part of the novel and should be handed-in as soon as possible. The other two assignments can be done when the novel is finished. Assignment two is due by the end of the second week (10th period). The due date for the third will be given out in class but will probably be a week after the second. The evaluation of your independent use of time and organization of your study will be based on daily observations, written comments, and random checks of your plans, rough work and the notes that you take while reading. ASSIGNMENT #1 During the first 8-10 chapters there are a number of subtle changes in the "society" of the island. Trace the "devolution" of the boys' society through the first part of the novel. What are the significant events that happen and how does each event show >>>>>>>>>>>.p.2 Lord of the Flies page 2 how the society is changing? Include the changes that take place in the two leaders and how these affect the society. In conclusion, sum up the society at the end of "part one" and outline what problems it will face in the future. For example, one of the major shifts in the first part is the splitting of the tribes into hunters and fire tenders. As might be expected, the hunters, who kill and supply meat, feel superior to the fire tenders who merely keep the fire going in the hope of attracting a ship or airplane. The society is beginning to ignore its long term goal--rescue. Other changes include food, clothing, politics, and manners. These are only some areas--find others. YOU MUST USE REFERENCES TO THE NOVEL. ASSIGNMENT #2 In this assignment you have the chance to respond to the situation or ideas that the author presents. You can respond in one of any number of ways--whichever suits you best. You may do a written, oral, or pictorial presentation on one or more of the topics given below or a topic of your own creation (it must be approved BEFORE you start the detailed work). If you are considering an oral presentation, please see me in advance to make sure the class time is available. Possible topics and formats: 1- Write or narrate a diary from the point of view of one of the major characters or a "little 'un". 2- Write about one of the following "what ifs": a- there had been both girls and boys on the island. b- there had been one adult present. c- the characters were all female. 3- What if it happened to you? a- How would you have reacted if you had been there at a young age? b- How would you have reacted if you had been there at your current age? 4- Write a collection of poems written by Simon while he was on the island. 5- Collect a group of poems or song lyrics that reflect the novel's theme(s). 6- Do a film review of a movie that deals with the same theme(s). Compare the film to the book. 7- Do a collage of pictures from magazines and then explain how your collage relates to the novel. 8- Write an alternate ending which preserves the style of the novel. This will be about 250 words or more and be plausible. Go on to page three for Assignment #3 Lord of the Flies page 3 ASSIGNMENT #3 Write an ESSAY based on one of the following topics. These are very general topics and you will have to narrow one down to a THESIS of your own. The essay must be literate in tone and presentation. It should be aimed at a reader who knows the novel but who will not automatically agree with your interpretation. You must convince the reader. Length: 600 words (500-899) TOPICS 1- one major theme in the novel. 2- Compare two major characters including their symbolic value to the whole book. 3- The use of symbolism--try to relate the use of symbolism to theme or character development. 4- Examine the use of description. (What is its purpose?) 5- A thesis of your own devising. Get your thesis approved in advance. YOU MUST USE REFERENCES FROM THE NOVEL.