Metric in the Library Mr. Saitz/Mr. Silnicki NAME:_______________________________ ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ON THIS SHEET (use the blanks provided) This will combine a scavenger hunt concept with learning about metric measurement. 1. Before you go to the library, put your height in the blank in centimetres ___________________ in metres ___________________ DO THE REST IN THE LIBRARY 2. Find the following books and write down their names: a book 20 cms. high _____________________________________ a red book 15 to 18 cms high. _____________________________ the largest book that you could find (name and size) _______________________________________________________ the smallest book that you could find (name and size) _____________________________________________________ 3. Guess the width and length of one of the library tables (in centimetres) __________________ The actual measurement of the table is: --in millimetres _______________ --in centimetres _______________ --in metres _______________ 4. Find a plant that is nearly your height. How tall is the plant in kilometres?_______________ 5. A computer monitor is called a 14 inch or 35.5 cm. diagonal (corner to corner) screen. How big is the screen really (in cm)? ____________________ 6. Log onto the computer and go into Infofinder (World Book Information Finder) OR use one of the library's print encyclopedias and : Find out who invented the metric system and when. ___________________________________________________ Metric in the Library p.2 7. How big is Mr. Saitz' name plate on the door? _____________ 8. How tall would you be in metres if you could walk under the exit gate without bending down? ______________________________ 9. What is the distance in centimetres to the highest shelf that you can reach in the library? _______________________________ 10. How wide (in cm.) is one of the shelves on one of the paperback book spinners (racks)? _________________________ How many books are on the shelf? _____________ Therefore, how wide is the average paperback on one of the shelves in millimetres? ____________ centimetres? ____________ metres? _____________