1) $1,000,000 Day--this incorporates using the newspaper and writing skills. Give students about 45 minutes on the first day to complete the first half of the activity. On day one, come to school dressed very nicely. When class begins, walk through the rows and hand each student a newspaper and shake their hand saying, "Congratulations on winning the $1,000,000 Sweepstakes prize!!!" After newspapers have been distributed, hand out the rules and read it aloud as well. Summary: you have won $1,000,000 in the local newspaper contest. The catch...you must spend all of the money in things you buy from the classified ads. Show them the classifieds and give tips (buy a house first to cut into the amount). Students cannot buy from cheater ads around the edges; they must buy from real ads. Students must make a list of what they buy and copy the ad as proof. The kids also have to keep a running tally of how much money they have left after each purchase. Objectives: review the classified ads use the classified ads to "purchase" items practice basic math skills learn more about the cost of everyday items learn more about the cost of expensive items Students must spend down to under $1,000 by the end of the activity. For every $1,000 they do not spend, they lose 1 point off of the assignment grade. Turn in assignments for the next day's activity. On day two, students must take back their sheets and begin the description activity. Activity is as follows: pick the five items (you can change this number if you wish) you are now the most proud of and write a 1 page MLA formatted paper describing how this item will look when you go get it. Objectives: write a paper using details select items from a list of winning choices practice MLA formatting I often continue with more activites: Describe how you lose this item one day Compare this item to the one you now own (great for jewelry or a car they may have) Draw a picture of this item and how you imagine it to be Go back and revise your list swapping out 3 things you want for 3 things you would give to your closest friends/relatives--describe their reaction to the gift and how you would surprise them with it, explain why you chose that gift for that person, etc.