Assignment: Be a "Miracle" Worker: Teach Someone Something Miss Dickey English 9 Your job: Think of something you can do that others might want to learn. Then find someone that you can teach this skill to. You may want to teach an older or younger sibling, a neighbor, a relative, your mom and/or dad (!), a friend, an older person.... Some examples of things you can do: Can you cook a special dish? Can you whistle? Can you teach a younger child to read? Can you teach someone a yo yo "move"? Can you teach someone to dance a certain way? Can you teach someone how to play a sport or a game? Can you teach someone a math skill? Can you tie special knots? The ideas are endless... How will I grade you on teaching someone something? You will write an essay based on your experience teaching someone something. You will answer the following questions in your essay: 1. What skill you taught. 2. Why you taught that skill. 3. Who you are teaching. 4. Why you chose that person to teach. 5. At the beginning of the things went 6. During the middle of the things were going 7. After the lesson was over....your thoughts/feelings about the experience BONUS POINTS: You can choose to move your cooperative learning group up a space or take five bonus points on your grade in the computer if the person you taught something to writes a page about his/her feelings on being taught something by you---their point of view... Rough draft is worth 50 points Final is worth 50 points Total Essay Assignment worth 100 points Lesson tied in with "The Miracle Worker" William Gibson