WRITING FOLDER OUTLINE During the course of the semester you will hand in about 6 writing folder pieces for marking -- about 2 per term. Each piece will be different and you are encouraged to experiment as much as possible and to seek help from other students and the teacher at each stage in the process. You will be assigned a series of types of writing and you will supply the topic or choose from the possibilities below. In all cases you should feel that only your best work will be marked. You will also be marked on your pre-writing and rough work. TYPES OF WRITING (Format) 1- a comparison of two things 2- a fictional diary 3- a review of anything 4- a type of your own choice (the anything category-- try POETRY!) 5- a description 6- an opinion in any form, such as a letter to the editor 7- a fairy tale, myth, or fantastic short story 8- a report (not a review) 9- a point of view assignment-- you write as if you are somebody or something else. POSSIBLE TOPICS A MANDATORY TOPIC TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE NOVEMBER 16 IS REMEMBRANCE DAY-- THE TYPE OF WRITING IS OPEN. other possible topics are: dreams me heroes pets the best the worst love emotions blindness food holidays jobs friends enemies machines clothes groups music dancing television school sleep technology the future nightmares getting older youth embarrassment war elections parents pollution INSTRUCTIONS 1- Brain storm each topic-- use a web diagram. 2- Write a rough copy. 3- Revise the rough copy. 4- Get another student to help you revise and edit the rough. 5- Write a polished copy. 6- Proof read the polished copy before submitting it. Each polished copy (except a poem) must be about 250 words.