Poetry Project Each student will put together a poetry project during this unit. We will be discussing all of the terms and looking at examples during class meetings. Each student will find poems that contain the terms listed below. There will be 20 poems in each book. If the book contains the minimum of 20 poems with appropriate terms the student will receive an 80. The grade will go up with the more creativity and organization that goes into this project. Neatness counts!!! Make sure that you include pictures or graphics to illustrate your poems. Four of the included poems should be original (meaning written by you!), with sixteen of the poems written by published authors. Include in your book the following poetical devices: Rhyme -2 Extended Metaphor -1 Imagery -2 Onomatopoeia -1 Simile -2 Narrative -1 Metaphor -2 Simile -1 (Original) Alliteration -2 Metaphor -1 (Original) Personification -2 Alliteration -1 (Original) Hyperbole -1 Personification -1 (Original) Due Date-May 9 All projects are due on or before this date. NO late projects will be accepted. Remember that projects are 20% of your grade! Some Suggested Poems "The Germ" -Ogden Nash "Saturday's Child"-Countee Cullen "Plea to Those Who Matter"-James Welch "The Base Stealer"-Robert Francis "Touch Football"-Jack Driscoll "The wind tapped like a tired man"-Emily Dickinson "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"-Dylan Thomas "To My Valentine"-Ogden Nash "I'll Stay"-Gwendolyn Brooks "Fog"-Carl Sandburg "Metaphor"-Eve Merriam "My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun"-William Shakespeare "Heart! We will forget him!"-Emily Dickinson "Woman Work"-Maya Angelou "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out"-Shel Silverstein "Jazz Fantasia"-Carl Sandburg "Nothing but Drums"-Oscar Hijuelos ".05"-Edward Field "Remember?"-Alice Walker "Song for a Dark Girl"-Langston Hughes