DISCUSSION DIRECTOR Name_________________________________________________ Group________________________________________________ Literary Work_________________________________________ Assignment____________________________________________ Discussion Director: Your job is to develop a list of questions that your group might want to discuss about this part of the book/story/poem. Don't worry about the small details your task is to help your group talk over the big ideas in the reading and share their reactions. Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you read. List those questions below during or after your reading. You also may use some of the general questions below to help you develop topics for your group. Possible discussion questions or topics for today: 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________ Sample Questions: What was going through your mind as you read? How did you feel while reading this section of the book (story, poem, etc.)? What was discussed in this section/selection? Can someone summarize briefly? Did today's reading remind you of any real-life experiences? What questions did you have when you finished this section/selection? Did anything in this section/selection surprise you? What are one or two important ideas? Predict some things you think will be talked about next. Assignment for tomorrow:____________________________________________ ************************************************************* LITERARY LUMINARY Name_________________________________________________ Group________________________________________________ Literary Work_________________________________________ Assignment____________________________________________ Literary Luminary: Your job is to locate a few special sections of the text that your group would like to hear read aloud. The idea is to help your group remember some interesting, powerful, funny,puzzling, or important sections of the text. You decide what passages, paragraphs, lines, etc. are worth hearing and then jot down plans for how they should be shared. Some choices for sharing are: a. You read the passages aloud yourself. b. Ask someone else in the group to read them. c. Have the group read the passages you choose silently and then discuss them. Location Reason for Picking Plan for Reading 1. Page_______ __________________________ _______________________ Paragraph___ __________________________ _______________________ 2. Page_______ __________________________ _______________________ Paragraph___ __________________________ _______________________ 3. Page_______ __________________________ _______________________ Paragraph___ __________________________ _______________________ 4. Page_______ __________________________ _______________________ Paragraph___ __________________________ _______________________ 5. Page_______ __________________________ _______________________ Paragraph___ __________________________ _______________________ Possible Reasons for Picking a Passage to be Shared: important informative surprising controversial funny well-written confusing thought-provoking Assignment for tomorrow:________________________________________________ ************************************************************** ILLUSTRATOR Name_________________________________________________ Group________________________________________________ Literary Work_________________________________________ Assignment____________________________________________ Illustrator: Your job is to draw some kind of picture related to the reading. It can be a sketch, diagram, cartoon, flow-chart, or stick- figure scene. You can draw something that is not discussed directly in your book, something that the reading reminded you of, or a picture that conveys any idea or feeling you got from the reading. Any kind of drawing or graphic is okay you can even label things with words if that helps. Make your drawing on a separate sheet or on the other side of this sheet. Presentation Plan: When the Discussion Director invites your participation, you may show your drawing without comment to the others in the group. One at a time, they may speculate what your picture means and to connect the drawing to their ideas about what they have read. After everyone has had a say, you get the last word. Tell them what your picture means, where it came from, and what it represents to you. Assignment for tomorrow:__________________________________________ *********************************************************** CONNECTOR Name_________________________________________________ Group________________________________________________ Literary Work_________________________________________ Assignment____________________________________________ Connector: Your job is to find connections between the book (poem/story) your group is reading and the world outside. This means connecting the reading to your own life, to happenings at school and the community, to similar events at other times and places, to other people and problems that you are reminded of, to other literary works. You may see connections between this work and other works on the same topic or other works by the same author. There are no right answers here whatever the reading connects you to is worth sharing with your group. Some Connections I Found Between This Reading and Other People, Events, Authors . . . 1.______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Assignment for tomorrow:___________________________________________ ************************************************* SUMMARIZER Name_________________________________________________ Group________________________________________________ Literary Work_________________________________________ Assignment____________________________________________ Summarizer: Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today's reading. The other members of your group will be counting on you to give a quick statement (one-two minutes) that conveys the gist, the key points, the main highlights, the essence of today's assignment. If there are several main ideas to remember, you can use the numbered lines below. Summary: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Key Points: 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________ Assignment for tomorrow:________________________________________ ************************************************* VOCABULARY ENRICHER Vocabulary Enricher: Your job is to be on the lookout for a few specially important words in today's reading. If you find words that are puzzling or unfamiliar, mark them while you are reading, and then later jot down their definition, preferably from the dictionary. You may also run across familiar words that stand out somehow in the reading words that are repeated a lot, words used in an unusual way, or words that are key to the meaning of the text. Mark these words, too, and be ready to point them out to the group. When your group meets, help the members find and discuss these words. Page # and Paragraph Word Definition Plan _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ _______ _______________ ______________________ __________________ Assignment for tomorrow:________________________________________________