Research Fundamentals NAME:___________________ . Narrowing the topic In order to get ready to search for information it is necessary for you narrow your topic so that you will be looking in the right "ballpark", rather than several. A- Arrange the terms in each of the following topics so that they move from the most general to the most specific. Put a number from 5 (most general) to 1 (most specific) in the blanks. 4 marks 1. Ford____ vehicle _____ Taurus_____ car_____ 2. chair____ furniture ____ rocking chair ____ interior decoration ______ seat___ 3. outdoors___ tulip ___ garden_____ yard___ county____ 4. hamburger___ Harvey's___ fast food____ meat____ food_____ Each of the following terms is very general -- use two other terms that are specific and more specific. Specfic More Specific 6 marks 1. shoe ______________________ _________________________ 2. gun ________________________ __________________________ 3. water _____________________ ___________________________ In the space below, do a web diagram of one or these topics: holidays camping a sport 5 3. Decide where to look. Where would be the best place to look for information on each of the following. If you can think of two places, list both of them. 5 marks 1. Beethoven____________________ 2. The movie "Twister"__________________________ 3. The score in yesterday's hockey game______________________ 4. Space travel _______________________________ 5. Pictures and text of ancient Roman civilization. ____________ Boolean Searching 1. Put a Boolean search term in each blank which will alter your search as instructed in the brackets. 4 marks a. Toronto ____________ Montreal (broaden) b. Hockey ____________ Toronto (narrow) c. Toronto ___________ subway (narrow) d. Clarke ____________ Orono (broaden) 2. Each of the following words is an incomplete search term. Fill in each blank with a boolean term that will alter your search, another word, AND THEN INDICATE WHETHER YOUR SEARCH IS NARROWER OR BROADER. Example: Coffee Or Donut Broader 8 marks a. Clarke _______ ____________________ ______________ b. automobile _______ ___________________ ______________ c. pizza ________ ___________________ ______________ d. mouse _________ ___________________ _______________ ___ 32