RESEARCH SKILLS Work Sheet/Practice Arrange the following terms so that they go from general to most specific . Put a number in each blank --1 will be the most general, 5 the most specific. a. performer_____ athlete____ Guzman____ pitcher_____ baseball player____ b. sweater___ garment____ pullover____ wool____ knitted_____ c. entertainment____ Metallica____ music____ heavy metal____ sound____ Narrow each of the following terms from the general to specific to more specific. 1. Holiday _____________ ________________ 2. Country ______________ ________________ 3. Clock _______________ ________________ Boolean Searching Boolean terms are "and", "or" and "not" Add a term and a word to make the following searches narrower. 1. Food ________ ____________ 2. Technology ______ ______________ 3. Hamburger ________ ____________ Now do the same thing but make each search broader. 1. Food ______ ____________ 2. Technology ______ _______________ 3. Hamburger _______ ______________ You are going to search for information on air travel. Suggest THREE searches that use at least two words each and the Boolean terms that you would use. 1. 2. 3.