Ms. Mork Julia Alvarez's How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Final Project A Project of Choices: HTGGLTA For this final project, you are going to have your choice of levels of work. Your final project should have a cover page with your name and desired level, and a table of contents of the options that you chose. Each piece within your bound packet should be labeled. Your work should be detailed, neat, thorough, interesting, and creative! In Class Working Days: 6 HW Nights: 3 A Level Work Complete 3 of the following options (one may be with a partner and labeled as such in your portfolio – you should each include your own copy): 1. Research the Dominican dictator Trujillo using a library book or reliable website and create a timeline showing his rise and fall. Be sure to cite your source. 2. Create a list of ten discussion questions that somehow create a connection between this novel and teenage life. Write responses for three of them. 3. Imagine you are Carla responding to a frequently asked college application essay question – what does diversity mean to you? Respond in ¾ of a page. 4. Imagine you were creating a video game rendition of the book. Which character would be the hero / heroine? What would the levels be? What would be the eventual goal? Describe your game in one typed page. 5. Imagine you were moving to another country tomorrow. Which words would you most want to know? Choose a language you have never studied (perhaps for a country you'd like to visit or one where you have friends) and create a survival dictionary for yourself of words and phrases in that language, using an online translator. Type up the results into a professional looking mini-guide to survival in ________. Then write one paragraph explaining why you chose those words and phrases. 6. Imagine you were creating an exhibit for the Garcia family in a museum about Immigration. What five items would you include in your display and why? What would the overall theme of the exhibit be? Include quotations to support the significance of the five items. Final Write up should be ¾ - 1 page typed. 7. With a partner: each create a list of five discussion questions from last night’s reading and then interview each other, writing up the other’s responses. Go every other question, and as the interviewer, draw out your partner and ask for evidence. Type up your questions and your partner’s responses – 1 page typed. Be sure to label the final product with your partner’s name, although this does not count as the ONE allowed partner exercise, you may still work on another option with a partner. AND 1 of the following options: 1. Invent a thesis and then outline a paper for it showing three key points and 2 supporting quotations for each. 2. Choose a passage from the book and do a close reading, typing up the passage and then bulleting at least five important things you notice about it. 3. Write a character analysis for one of the sisters, making two main points about her and using at least one quotation to illustrate each point (1 page typed) AND 1 of the following options: 1. Create a one page interview between yourself and a character, asking him/her meaningful questions about his/her experiences. 2. Write a letter from one sister to another at some point in the events described in the book which clearly shows your understanding of the two characters and their relationship. 3. Write a poem (minimum 20 lines) in Yolanda’s voice (first person), about one of her experiences 4. Imagine yourself into the family and write a one page reflection on how you think you would fit in. Who would you be friends with? Who do you have the most in common with? Which color would you wear as a child? Who would you have conflicts with and over what? Etc. 5. Write a 1-2 page chapter of the book about an event you think could fit in, imitating the narrative voice of whichever sister you choose as narrator (an example of a short chapter like this is "Snow"). B Level Work Complete 3 of the following options: 1. Create an Itunes play list for one girl including five song titles, and the key 2-3 lines from the song with matching quotations from the book to show the connection 2. Type up voicemail messages for the whole family - first the message, then 2-3 sentences explaining why you chose the words you did. 3. Design a greeting card for one character to send another and write a message inside. Everything about the card should represent the sender and/or recipient. 4. Imagine you were creating an exhibit for the Garcia family in a museum about Immigration. What five items would you include in your display and why? What would the overall theme of the exhibit be? Include quotations to support the significance of the five items. Final Write up should be 1/2 – 3/4 page typed. 5. With a partner: each create a list of four discussion questions from last night’s reading and then interview each other, writing up the other’s responses. Go every other question, and as the interviewer, draw out your partner and ask for evidence. Type up your questions and your partner’s responses – 3/4 page typed. Be sure to label the final product with your partner’s name, although this does not count as the ONE allowed partner exercise, you may still work on another option with a partner. AND 1 of the following options: 1. Come up with a thesis for the novel and list six supporting quotations. 2. Create an idea map of paper topic ideas and support (your map should have at least ten connecting arrows and the corresponding number of thoughts) 3. Find examples of five literary devices in the novel, quote and label (typed) C Level Work Complete 2 of the following options: 1. Create an Itunes play list for one girl including four song titles, and the key 2-3 lines from the song with matching quotations from the book to show the connection 2. Type up voicemail messages for each of the sisters - first the message, then 1-2 sentences explaining why you chose the words you did. 3. Design a greeting card for one character to send another and write a message inside. Everything about the card should represent the sender and/or recipient. 4. Imagine you were creating a video game rendition of the book. Which character would be the hero / heroine? What would the levels be? What would be the eventual goal? Describe your game in 3/4 of a typed page. AND 1 of the following options: 1. Come up with a thesis for the novel and list four supporting quotations 2. Create an idea map of paper topic ideas and support (your map should have at least six connecting arrow and the corresponding number of thoughts)