Poetry Project Assigned: March 25 Due: April 16, (Note: This grade will be on the next nine week grade and each poem will count for 30 points, for a total of 300 points.) You will be required to complete a poetry booklet of not less than ten (10) poems. You cannot use any poems from your literature book. Also, to make the most points, you should have some variety to your poems and not have the same ones as everyone in the class. You must have one of each type poem listed below: Elegy Haiku Villanelle Shakespearean Sonnet Italian Sonnet Ballad (Folk or Literary) Limerick Ode Lyric Epic You should have a good, thorough definition of each type of poem, followed by a poem of that type with an illustration or picture to go with the poem and an explanation of the poem in your own words. I suggest you have your definition on one page, followed by the poem, illustrated, on the next page and your analysis on the third page. Each student should type the booklet if at all possible or you will need to print your definition, poem and explanation as neatly as possible, preferably on unlined typing paper. We will go to the library on the 26th and 27th to allow you time to find poems. It might be a good idea to bring some money to run poems off on the copier in the library, as this might save you time those two days. When you turn in your booklet, it will need to be in a binder of some type clearly labeled with a title page that clearly states your name, the teacher's name, English II, and the date the booklet is due.