The Flimibuff project is an interdisciplinary project a friend and I designed when we were student teaching . When I started teaching the English 9H class, I incorporated it into the Lord of the Flies unit. Although I think other students would enjoy the project and some classes could be organized enough to complete it successfully, I limit it to the honors class because they love it and like that it’s “theirs.” Every year, the former freshman honors students ask when I’m doing Flimibuff. It’s become almost like a secret handshake: anyone who knows about Flimibuff is a legitimate graduate. The results are different every year, depending on the interests and talents of the class. One class made dresses out of green plastic garbage bags, another class based their entire society (map, currency, etc.) on Hershey’s kisses. Last year’s class used the computer lab to draw maps. The year before, a group used Sim Earth and Sim City on the computer. Through the project, the students learn about teamwork and responsibility while considering the concept of utopia. They also see how difficult it is to agree about the characteristics of a perfect world. Because they write a constitution, draw a map and flag, write and perform a song, and create an educational system, justice system, and other elements of society, they use skills in a variety of educational disciplines. Flimibuff is 29 years old and going strong.