WRITING FOLDER For this folder you will be able to choose a topic and write about it in any format that you wish OR you can choose a format and then use any topic that you wish. Each piece of writing must be accompanied by all of your preparatory notes and your rough work. TOPIC Write anything that seems suitable on the topic FOOD. A quick survey of the subject reveals that you could do a variety of things such as a review of food, traditional foods ruined by health addicts, weird foods, food that isn't really food, or food that you can cook on a camping trip. OR.......... do a TYPE OF WRITING You may attempt any of the following--hand-in one. 1- A stream of consciousness. Remember that the stream must have a coherent plot and development. Try for a surprise ending. 2- A legend, myth or fairy tale. A legend or myth attempts to explain the origins of something and always involves man vs. nature such as a man who opposes the perfection of nature and starts the first biker gang. A fairy tale usually involves the supernatural or animals that possess human qualities, cruelty and often blood and gore, and it ALWAYS CONTAINS A STRONG MORAL MESSAGE. (Hansel and Gretal also involves cannibalism and therefore is part of the topic food.) A fairy tale is designed to be told to children but can be adapted to a modern setting. Try your fairy tale out on a child before handing it in. DUE DATE: (There are 260 words on this page)