Late Harvest I look up and see a white buffalo emerging from the enormous red gates of a cattle truck lumbering into the mouth of the sun. The prairie chickens do not seem to fear me; neither do the girls in cellophane fields, near me, hear me changing the flat tire on my black tractor. I consider screaming to them; then, night comes. --James Tate **************** Have students read the poem a few times and then respond to it in their journals. Allow students to share their responses and guide them in expressing the feelings they experienced when reading the poem and the mood that it evoked in them. After this, ask students to write a poem doing the following: 1. Write a poem using the mood they talked about in their journal response. 2. The poem must be titled "Late _________________;" they fill in the blank. 3. They must use colors in their poem. 4. The poem should be ten lines or longer. 5. They must strive to produce at least one powerful image (Tate's poem provides many; explain what an image is and have students pick an image out of "Late Harvest."). You'll be amazed at the things they write.