A. P. English Independent Study/ Exhibition Mrs. Koplik - Mrs. Gherardini Beginning on April ___, each of you will have an opportunity to create a multi-media project which revolves around a theme, idea, or emotion of your choice. Your focus may be something which amuzes, puzzles or intrigues you...or all of the above. In any case, be sure it is something that motivates you to learn! While allowing you great freedom of choice, this unit has specific requirements and guidelines throughout the period of study. The first stage is the proposal, a written "contract" which tells your teacher what you want to accomplish and how you intend to accomplish it (class time will be set aside for preliminary conferences for those who want it). During the independent study period, weekly progress conferences will be set up to ensure that every student is fulfilling the goal(s) stated in his or her proposal and that learning is going on. Note that points will be awarded for fulfilling these conference requirements; your final grade will be affecte if you do not meet the due dates.The final stage of your independent study will be an exhibition, or a demonstration of what you have accomplished. Proposal due date: _________ Weekly progress conferences: Conf. #1 (Research): _________ Conf. #2 (second component) _________ Conf. #3 (third component) _________ Conf. #4 (fourth component) _________ Exhibitions due: _________ What is an exhibition? An exhibition may be viewed, in its simplest terms, as an advanced show-and- tell in which you demonstrate 1) your complete immersion in your chosen area of focus and 2) that you have learned something worthwhile. Since one student's focus may be vastly different from another's, the exhibitions may vary somewhat in form or emphasis. However, all exhibitions should: --contain the four required components --be narrated effectively -- tie components together thematically with smooth transitions from one to the next. Remember to make clear how each component relates to your theme. (P. S. - Be creative about the point of view from which you narrate ! Perhaps you might want to conduct your exhibition in character or through music...) --utilize some physical format for display, such as a poster, a bulletin board, an album or a portfolio; this should display some or all of the required components and should be worked into the exhibition. At the very least every student should have a poster board if not a more substantial display. --demonstrate diligence, creativity and scholarship -- last about fifteen minutes Each student will fulfill the following core requirements. It is up to the student to determine how each of these components can be best shaped to develop/define/ illustrate the subject/the student's relationship to /feelings about the subject. Some suggestions are listed below each component; there are other possibilities which may better suit specific cases. 1. Research Component (~3 pages, w/several sources and Works Cited): history/origin/causes of.... criticism/essays written about.... recent developments/ events in.... statistics/studies about.... social/political/ economic problems which illustrate.... 2. Writing Component (choose 2 from different categories): Creative Writing - parody, newspaper, "how-to" booklet, short story, poem, monologue....???? Expository - define, analyze, argue, persuade Journal - keep an ongoing reaction/progress journal during the independent study; record your feelings about the subject, or document your progress as you work......???? Letter - write a letter to someone you love (or like) telling about your experience in detail -- and send it 3. Fine Arts Component: Find or create and perform or share with class: Music Art Video Theater Photography Dance.....or other alternative means of expression Please provide some explanation for your choice and its relevance to your focus. 4. Literary Component: Read some fiction on the subject. Find a book, a short story, or a play which deals directly or indirectly with your subject. Take informal notes or keep a reaction journal. Your notes will be submitted with any other "hard copy" on the day of your exhibition. IMPORTANT: A great deal of the success of this project depends on a "Gentleman's/ Gentlewoman's Agreement" that you will actually do it! The trickiest part is the evaluation -- you must show -- "on your honor"-- that you have used your time wisely because your project may take you out of my watchful eye in class. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION: COHERENCE: Is theme clearly stated? Components thematically connected? Does narration continually reinforce theme? DEPTH: Does each component reflect effort, thought and scholarship? DILIGENCE: Did you work hard all through the process? CREATIVITY: Does exhibition reflect original thought and expression? Did the assignment propel you into new territory? A PARTIAL MENU OF TOPICS FOR INDEPENDENT STUDY Thematic Approach: Some Skills or Tasks for Component Requirements: Truth Learn Bonsai Justice Learn Tai Kwan-do Gender Roles Compose and perform a musical piece Insanity Choreograph and perform a dance Technology v. Humanity Read the Bible Man and Nature Learn a culture's mythology or folklore Dignity Read a book you've always wanted to Racism or Prejudice Learn a craft (jewelry-making, Innocence/Loss of Innocence quilting, sketching, calligraphy, etc.) Greed/ Materialism Learn sign language (or any other language) Man's mortality/Death Shoot and compose a photography portfolio Heroism Produce a slide/tape presentation Dreams Go to a museum or an exhibit --keep a log Beauty Visit a cemetery -- write about it/draw Loneliness Conduct an interview with someone Power Humor/Comedy through the Ages Time War Art with a Message Freedom ___________________________________*******_____________________________ A. P. English Name___________________ Exhibition Proposal Sheet :) NOTE: This proposal is just a proposal. Actual components may change course as you dig deeper into the topic. The proposal is just to get you focused. 1. Idea of Focus: 2. Research Component (Explain specifically what you intend to research): 3. Writing Components (Explain specific form and focus of two): 1. 2. 4. Fine Arts Component (Explain specific form and focus): 5. Literary Component (If you have a title at present, please provide it; if not,describe the type of reading you would like to do): 6. Please list any unusual resources or logistics which your project may entail. For example, will your work take you outside of the classroom? Why? For how long? Will you need supplies of any kind? How do you plan to get them? 7. What display format (see first page of handout) do you intend to use? 8. How do you intend to show your teacher during conferences that you are accomplishing what you propose to accomplish? (Use back for more room)