One of my favourite techniques for teaching/reinforcing parts of speech is to use a word from the topic e.g. Topic - Sport. Students select their favourite e.g. (where we live especially) Surfing and then write this word down the middle of the page. Add a noun to each letter e.g. surfers undercut riders and so on. The next step is to add an adjective that fits the noun e.g. bronzed surfers. Then a verb e.g. bronzed surfers swirling Then an adverb e.g. bronzed surfers swirling magnificently and so on as far as you want to go. The students then change the lines around so that the original word is not apparent and use the original word for a title (if required). This technique can be used several times within one year for a range of topics. (I have also used it with Mythology i.e start with name etc) and does familiarise students with the parts of speech. It's good as a starting point or summary of a topic.