Encouraging creativity, reading and writing I have used this twice with great success. ALL the students loved it. Topic 1. X-files The children made their own x-files stories at home and we all went to the computer room and they wrote it down using the spelling program in Word. NO CORRECTIONS WERE MADE BY ME. We copied everyone's stories and made a book that everyone got and read. This is a perfect way to get poor students to try. This is not an exercise for traditional teachers because you have to accept pretty horrible stories and language from some of the boys. But it is a great way to make the students love text work and you. My students begged me to do it again. The students felt it was relevant for them, they got writing and reading practice, and they learnt how to use text programs on a PC which is very useful for dyslexic and weak students. Topic 2. Ghost stories This time we worked with other texts before they made their own. I even found some texts on the net with symptoms of haunting which they read and used as ideas for their own stories. This was a rather complicated text but they read it happily. Then they wrote their texts in Word, after making a draft at home. We then used some time in response groups where they gave each other ideas on how to improve the stories before they made the final draft in Word again. They were allowed to find pictures and use them to make their presentation look nice. This encouraged the weak students a lot. They were so proud. As in topic 1, everybody got a book with everyone's stories. The last thing we did was that everyone had to find something good and ONLY GOOD in everyone's stories. I didn't correct spelling, grammar or anything this time either because this is NOT the goal for this kind of work. The goal was to get the students to enjoy using the language no matter what level they were at. So if you use this idea, DON'T CORRECT! We ended this theme by seeing the film "Scream" with the Norwegian text hidden. (We never dub films in Norway) Topic 3. War It will combine The civil war in USA, Kosovo and human rights as pre writing work and the students will use Internet and Word, articles from Time and newspapers and TV as sources. Some of my students never read voluntarily so this is a great way to make them want to read. I plan to do this as a project and I will use drama as well (A reporter in a war zone etc.) Ideas from the students will play a great part in planning this.