Wife of Bath's Tale Assignment: In the Wife of Bath's tale, so is told A persuasive argument, so bold In the form of logic, reason too To ply a repulsed knight and woo Him to her side, forever more Lifelong commitment, to even the score The wrinkled old woman, made him sweat For pleasures he did not know yet But what if feigning, at the sight The wretched knight, did then take flight? And beg the queen to set him free From this agreement's misery? Your task it is to write two letters One from the knight, to beg his better The queen, to let him ration Differently, his life's obligations To let him ditch the poor old gal To saunter forth for another pal One more of the letters you must write From this old woman, with all her might To show the Queen how right she'll be To send the knight back, presently For I the teacher shall be bold When of great student work I'm told To tell of students' gifts perennial Of great writing, at Centennial You will provide by pairs your work Each person two, no one must shirk The grading of these gems, shall be Based on these foremost qualities Thought and creativity are two Add spelling, composition too And there you'll have your own grand tale In verse like this, now don't be stale There is wisdom in each one of you! Now let me see it shine on through! Dr. Green